Who We Are

Julia Plevin Oliansky founded HYPE as a way to bring her unique healing work to the world.

Julia is the author of The Healing Magic of Forest Bathing (Ten Speed Press, 2019) and the founder of The Forest Bathing Club. In addition to having over a decade of experience working in innovation and brand strategy, she has studied Earth-based healing with elders around the world and is trained in forest therapy, yoga, permaculture, energy healing, and kambo.

With HYPE, she aims to integrate her passion from Earth-based healing with her expertise in creative strategy to help individuals, teams, and organizations thrive.

HYPE is headquartered in beautiful Ashland, Oregon, the original homeland of the Shasta, Takelma and Athabaskans People. When you work with us, we pay land tax and also give a percentage of our profits to local ecological organizations working to restore harmony to our home.